my wealth is a specialist provider of investment advice.

It works with many of the UK’s leading companies and pension schemes to help their employees and members understand their personal financial situation, whether they’re saving for their future or looking how best to maximise income at the point of retirement.

In particular, it helps those approaching retirement to ensure their savings and investments are appropriately managed. This is achieved through creating tailored investment strategies to meet an individual’s personal objectives which are flexible enough to adapt to changing needs.

As part of this service, my wealth creates bespoke investment portfolios which are selected from the whole-of-the-market without any restrictions and are actively managed to ensure they remain appropriate through changing market conditions.


*Civil Service Pensioners Alliance is an independent, non-party political organisation, campaigning and lobbying for pensioners from Civil Service and related pension schemes.


*Civil Service Retirement Fellowship provides social and volunteering opportunities for retired and former civil servants and their families, as well as a visiting service to support those in need.


*A charity for Civil Servants (formally known as the Civil Service Benevolent Fund) providing support and advice for thousands of civil servants when they need it.


*The NHS Retirement Fellowship is the social, leisure, educational and welfare organisation for retired NHS staff and their partners.


*The Fire Fighters Charity offers specialist lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical and social wellbeing throughout their lives.


*The Ambulance Staff Charity are the leading UK charity providing support to all currently serving and retired ambulance staff, their families, and ambulance service volunteers.

Dedicated to supporting the UK’s lifesaving ambulance community.


*Contents of links to external websites
The following links to websites external to those of Affinity Financial Awareness Ltd and Wealth at Work Limited (WEALTH at work and my wealth)  (also referred to here as ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ ‘ours’)  and their content are not owned or controlled  by us , we have no authority over and we do not endorse those sites. Therefore please be aware that we do not accept responsibility for the content of any third party site(s) except content that is specifically attributed to us or our employees and where we are the authors of such content. Nor do we endorse any organisation or publication to which we link and make no representations about them.
Investment decisions
Please note that the content of this website including any external articles to which it links are not financial advice and must not be relied upon to make investment decisions.  Further, please note that investments can fall as well as rise and that if investing you may get back less than you originally invested.