
This webpage has been specifically created to support you with your personal finances, whether you are saving for the future, looking to manage your day-to-day spending or manage your current borrowing there is a range of useful information and online tools to help with your financial planning.


The following flipbooks are available to download:

Debt and Money Management

This flipbook explains the different types of debt and how you can take control of your finances to reach your goals.

Download here

Managing your savings

This flipbook explains the importance of finding the right savings account for you, the safety of your money and potential tax you will pay on any returns.

Download here


We recognise that being able to access financial education material in your own time is important. The following webcasts cover savings and investments and smart borrowing. Watch today to learn more:

Online Tools

To help you with your financial wellbeing below are some useful online tools which can help you to understand how long it will take you to save towards your financial goal with a savings calculator or to understand exactly where your money is being spent with a budget planner.