Length of course: 2 hours (face to face)


Within the ever changing landscape of State and workplace pensions, pension planning has never been more important. Many people miss out on the genuine benefits and opportunities that come from planning ahead and being aware of the opportunities available to them. This course focuses on all the key pension topics including an overview of the benefits, changes and the financial implications of pension planning.


This course is aimed at employees of all grades and ages.

Course Objectives

  • Explain key financial planning issues specific to pension planning in the workplace
  • Identify where income is expected to come from and how it is taxed differently in retirement
  • Learn about the State Pension
  • Understand workplace pensions and the benefits that are available to employees
  • Raise awareness of the key financial planning issues around the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance
  • Explain the terminology relating to the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance
  • Understand how the allowances are calculated
  • Identify the opportunities available to combat any potential Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance tax charge
  • Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice

Course Structure

Your retirement savings

  • Making sufficient savings
  • Sources of income in retirement
  • Explaining the State Pension
  • State Pension eligibility

Workplace pensions

  • Defined Benefit schemes
  • Defined Contribution schemes
  • Tax implications
  • Tax allowances

Company Specific Workplace pensions

  • Explanation of the scheme(s)
  • Options at retirement
  • Impact of early retirement
  • Options for increasing benefits
  • Options on how to receive your pension(s)

Lifetime Allowance

  • Lifetime Allowance explanation
  • The Lifetime Allowance tax charge
  • Protection from the charge

Annual Allowance

  • Annual Allowance explanation
  • The Annual Allowance tax charge
  • Money Purchase Annual Allowance
  • Tapered Annual Allowance
  • Payment of tax charges

For further details please contact events@affinityconnect.org or contact Training on 0800 019 6076.